
Properties store individual pieces of information about entities. All property fields on an entity are inferred from its entity type(s).

Properties store individual pieces of information about entities as values. All properties on an entity are inferred from its entity type(s).

Property values (the contents of a property field) can either be required or optional. In either case, marking a property as required or not will be specified on the thing using the property (e.g. the entity type which requires the property) rather than on the property itself.

Property types

A property type is how a property is defined. It can be used by one or more entity types, or other property types. A property type:

  • defines the name of the property;
  • contains an optional description that explains in human-readable terms what that property represents; and
  • contains information about what the property’s value is expected to look like, either through reference to data types or other property types.

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